Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Email Addresses at The Atlantic Monthly

Skip the Feedback page and email the editors directly. Here are the email addresses of the editors in question:

James Bennet, Editor: jbennet@theatlantic.com
Sage Stossel, Atlantic Website Editor: sstossel@theatlantic.com
Katie Cristol, Advertising Manager: kcristol@theatlantic.com
Julie Boser, Consumer Marketing Manager: jboser@theatlantic.com

Julie Boser can be reached by phone at (202) 266-7197 or by fax at (202) 266-6332. Please be civil, polite but forceful. Let them know that Sullivan's bigotry is not acceptable from a once prestigious magazine.

Sunday, September 7, 2008

Shame on You, James Bennet, Editor of the Atlantic

Shame on James Bennet, editor of the Atlantic Monthly, for allowing hateful smear artist and unhinged Obama-worshiper Andrew Sullivan to continue to post his bigotry on the Atlantic's servers.

Shame on James Bennet, editor of the Atlantic Monthly, for paying Andrew Sullivan to post his misogyny on the Atlantic Monthly website.

Shame on James Bennet, editor of the Atlantic Monthly, for allowing Andrew Sullivan's vile writings to destroy the reputation of a once-respected and prestigious magazine.

Shame on you, James Bennet, editor of the Atlantic Monthly. Have you no decency, sir?

Saturday, September 6, 2008

Bennet is "on top of" Website

A quote from Media Bistro:
Bennet says that he has been surprised to find that more than half of his time is spent on The Atlantic's Web site -- keeping on top of online content, navigating the "relationship between a very turbulent Web site of ideas and a monthly magazine of ideas," and planning for the site's future incarnations.
He must smell the big greasy dump Sullivan is taking on his magazine's reputation. Bennet is not ignorant of Sullivan's heinous smears, lies and Jew-baiting. He either can't stop Sullivan, in which case he shouldn't be editor, or he lets Sullivan continue, in which case he is complicit.

Executive Editor Sage Stossel

The Executive Editor of TheAtlantic.com is listed as Sage Stossel (who is almost certainly related to the Deputy Editor Scott Stossel). Sage is also a cartoonist. You can complain about sullivan by leaving comments on her cartoon blog, Drawing Board.

Email Kate

The media relations officer is listed as Kate Cristol. Her email is kcristol@theatlantic.com. Her phone number is (202) 266-7164.


If you prefer to send a letter from your own email instead of using the Feedback form, try letters@theatlantic.com

The editor is listed as James Bennet.
The deputy editor is listed as Scott Stossel.

Write the Editors

You don't have to be a subscriber to complain about the bigotry trying to pass itself off as opinion. Sullivan is the worst kind of hater because he is camouflaging himself as a respectable journalist. He is using the reputation of the Atlantic Monthly as cover. Use the Atlantic Feedback page. Bombard the pinhead with emails about Sullivan. His sputtering misogyny and furious hated of rural America has no place on their servers.